Mar 16,2020
来月4/9(木)ドイツ・ハンブルグから予定していた、LOUDNESS World Tour 2019-2020 THANK YOU FOR ALL chapter 2 LIVE in EUROPE公演は、世界中で感染拡大の広がる新型コロナウイルスの影響により、先に現地エージェントから発表がありましたように、現時点で全公演を一端中止とさせていただくこととなりました。
Dear all,
it is with a very heavy heart to tell you that we are forced to postphone this upcoming Loudness EU Tour in April For sure, everyone of you follows the daily news and also has seen the Tourposter and Routing which has been planned.
As of yet, more than 60% of the whole tour are in jeapardy due to restrictions from governments in different countries of Europe.
No one knows at this point how long it will last and with only 4 weeks to Go, we had to make a decision.
The band is on fire and have been looking forward to play, However, the circumstances in Europe right now do not allow to provide decent touring.
We definitely wish to postpone these shows and all tickets should stay valid. We just need some time to check back with all parties involved and will have a new time frame wehre we can reschedule a new tour asap when it is allowed to plan ahead again.
We are deeply sorry and we simply had no choice.