Feb 06,2018
今週末2/11(日)から乗船を予定しておりました「Monsters of Rock Cruise 2018」と、2/18(日)のプエルトリコ公演に関してですが、こちら側の手続き不備により、残念ながら出演を取り止めさせていただくこととなりました。
なお、5月に発表されております「M3 Festival」に向けては、予定通り出演できるよう、現地スタッフ共々最大限の努力を致しておりますので、今後ともLOUDNESSの応援を宜しく御願い致します。
-- Notice from Loudness
We regret to confirm that, due to unforeseen circumstances, Loudness will not perform at the Monsters Of Rock Cruise 2018 originally scheduled to board on 11th February, and the Puerto Rico show on 18th February.
We are sorry for our fans who were looking forward to the band's shows, your understanding is most appreciated.
We, together with all the staff in the US, are currently doing our utmost to go ahead with the M3 Festival appearance scheduled for May.
We would like to thank all Loudness fans for their understanding, we appreciate your support and look forward to playing for you real soon!